Saturday 20 January 2018

Lenin and the Permanent Revolution

Tomorrow it will be the ninety-fourth death anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. I am writing this:
1) For the long life of his theory, which will certainly help the proletariat to win the world.
2) To point out one of the Stalinist counter-revolutionary attempts which have always obstructed the world revolution.

It is often misinterpreted by the Stalinists that Lenin was "strictly against the theory of the Permanent Revolution". These counter-revolutionaries of the world revolution can often be found highlighting the quote of Lenin of 1914, in which he called the theory of the permanent revolution "absurdly left". But, the same counter-revolutionaries do not want to discuss what Lenin said in the following years.
In 1915, right after one year of calling the "Permanent Revolution" absurd, Lenin wrote: "Uneven economic and political development is an absolute law of capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible first in several or even in one capitalist country alone. After expropriating the capitalists and organising their own socialist production, the victorious proletariat of that country will arise against the rest of the world."
This is one of the quotes of Lenin, used by Stalin to work on his absurd, illogical and counter-revolutionary theory, Socialism in One Country. But here, by using the words "the victorious proletariat ... will arise against the rest of the world", Lenin refers to a world revolution.
“The first role occupied by the proletariat of Russia in the world labour movement is explained not by the industrial development of the country – just the opposite, by the backwardness of Russia ... The Russian proletariat is clearly aware that the necessary condition and fundamental premise of its victory is the united action of the workers of the whole world, or of several countries advanced in capitalist relations.” (Lenin, July 23, 1918)
Here, Lenin clearly talks about the unity of the workers of the whole world, and by the term "united action", Lenin means a revolution.
“The complete victory of the socialist revolution is unthinkable in one country, but demands the most active co-operation at least of several advanced countries...” (Lenin, November 8, 1918)
Again, in this quote, we can find Lenin, talking about the "active cooperation" of the workers of the "advanced countries" toward a world proletarian revolution".
By saying, “our revolution will conquer when the workers of all countries support it,” Lenin, in November 1920, again reminds the workers to work towards a world revolution.
“Did any one of the Bolsheviks at any time ever deny that the revolution can conquer in a final form only when it comprises all or at least several of the more advanced countries!” (Lenin, May 19, 1921)
“We have not completed even the foundation of a socialist economy. This can still be taken back by the hostile forces of a dying capitalism. We must be clearly aware of this, and openly acknowledge it. For there is nothing more dangerous than illusions and turned heads, especially in high places. And there is absolutely nothing ‘terrible,’ nothing offering a legitimate cause for the slightest discouragement, in recognising this bitter truth; for we always have taught and repeated this ABC truth of Marxism, that for the victory of socialism the combined efforts of the workers of several advanced countries are necessary.” (Lenin, 1922)
By saying this in 1922, Lenin emphasises that one socialist country cannot survive alone. For victory of socialism, even in one country, "the combined efforts of the workers of several advanced countries are necessary".
By reading the above mentioned quotes of V.I. Lenin, one can come to a conclusion that Lenin had always called for a world proletarian revolution. So, only the counter-revolutionaries of the world revolution oppose the theory of "permanent revolution", which Lenin clearly advocated.
But the same counter-revolutionaries refuse to accept the truth that Lenin clearly opposed the theory of "Socialism in One Country". Lenin said at the third Congress of Soviets in January 1918, “Of course the final victory of socialism in one country is impossible, but something else is possible: a living example, a getting to work – somewhere in one country – that is what will set fire to the toiling masses in all countries.”
So, it is clear that Lenin always advocated a world proletarian revolution, rather than the establishment of socialism in one country alone, which, as called by Lenin himself, is "impossible".
The same counter-revolutionaries, when told about the views of Lenin toward a world revolution, call us "Trotskyites". Trotsky really did a great favour to the communists by bringing the views of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin toward a world proletarian revolution.
In the words of Saumyendranath Tagore, “Lenin was just as much a champion of permanent revolution as Trotsky was... Trotsky certainly had done a great service to revolutionary communism by drawing out attention over and over again to the theory of permanent revolution since Lenin died in 1924 and the sinister anti-revolutionary regime of Stalin started.”
Lenin had rightly grasped what Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had taught for the victory of socialism not just one country, but in all the countries of the world, that is, the theory of the Permanent Revolution, that of a World Revolution.

Date: 20/01/2018
Place: Moran, Dibrugarh, Assam, India

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